Taiwan: Fu Le Taiwanese Shabu Shabu

To be honest, I detest hot pot. I blame it on my parents because everytime they make hot pot...I have to eat it for a week. Those of you who have hot pot at home know what I'm talking about. Anyway, my friend is a shabu shabu fan, so I sucked it up and went with her here:

Three big connected rooms of hot pot madness. What's nice is that everyone gets their own pot. You can control what goes in, what stays out, how hot it is, etc.:

As part of the meal, you can choose between rice, noodle, vermicelli, and LU ROU FAN. I didn't notice that lu rou fan was an option until it was too late. Dangit.

Every meal also comes with an egg (I think I got a duck one) and this platter:

I chose the lamb and "sour vegetable" pot:

It unexpectedly came with oysters. I didn't really know what to do with them. I like my oysters raw, but I wasn't certain that these were fresh enough to be eaten that way. I ended up passing some to my friend and swishing a few around in the pot.

There's a unlimited drink bar, 3 actually, one in each room. You can choose between soda, milk tea, winter melon tea, and various slushies. There's also unlimited soft serve.

For dessert, you get a banana:

I had to fight for this banana. Everyone else was handed one but we were getting ready to leave and we were yet to be offered a banana. Finally I just went up to one of the servers and asked for one. I paid 260 NT (almost $9) for that meal, no way I was going to leave without my banana!



  1. You know, the banana seems very anticlimactic as a dessert.


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