San Francisco: Pho Huynh Hiep 2

My sister lives walking distance from what I guess can be called the third Chinatown in San Francisco.  Of course this means that there are plenty food options in the area, though not all are actually Chinese. 

On windy days in the city, a big bowl of pho is exactly what's needed.  We'd walked past Pho Huynh Hiep 2 (aka Kevin's Noodle House) multiple times before, but we finally gave it a chance back in early May:

The place was packed:

But not necessarily with Vietnamese people, so we decided to withhold judgment until after tasting the fare.

My parents and my sister got the regular pho while I tried out the chicken pho ($6.50 for a small):

Everything was decent, but not super memorable.  One thing that did stick with me however, was the size of the bowl.  When they say small, they do mean small.  While it was certainly enough food for me, I can't help but compare it to other pho restaurants down in the South Bay whose small bowls resemble face wash basins.

Yea, I know.  I'm so cheap that quantity often takes precedence over quality.  No shame, remember?

All the same, I wouldn't mind going back to Kevin's Noodle House.  Especially on cold days in San Francisco...which is just about every day.

1833 Irving St
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 664-0469


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