San Francisco: Sticks BBQ

With T's last year of pharmacy coming to a close, so's her time in SF.  I managed to squeeze in one last weekend in the city in April.

While waiting for T to get off work, AF and I stopped by Sticks BBQ before getting pearl tea down the street:

Sticks BBQ is exactly what it's name alludes to.  BBQ.  On a stick.  There's a whole wall of options to choose from:

There's a little space at the bottom for people to add suggestions for what they want to see on the menu next.

There isn't much room to sit and hang inside, but that's fine because you really don't need a table.  Just grab your tray and go:

We tried the bacon with longan, the chicken thigh, and the rib eye.

All good, but merely an appetizer before real dinner.

Sticks BBQ
2138 Irving St
San Francisco, CA 94122


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