Japan: Gomaya Kuki

Gomaya Kuki claims to have the world's richest sesame ice cream.  Since we were in the neighborhood, I dragged CK over to check it out.

The interior was quite small and was packed with people:

We were able to snag two seats at the counter relatively away from the crowd.

Gomaya Kuki offers six different kinds of sesame ice cream, three black and three white.  You can get two scoops in a small cup for ¥500 ($4.61) or you can do what we did and get a flight of all six (¥1500 / $13.83):

It's difficult to tell the difference within the black sesame flavors and the white ones from this photo, but trust me when I say that there were subtle differences in color and texture.  Gomaya Kuki helpfully provided a flavor guide so that we could keep track of what's what:

Individually, they were all delicious.  It was hard to choose a favorite because each time we took a bite of one, we thought that was our favorite.  They all had a strong sesame flavor.  There wasn't a weak one in the bunch.

After a while, they all started to blur together.  For me, the differences in flavor weren't too great, but the differences in texture were more noticeable.  I preferred the creamier, richer flavors like the triple rich black, which felt almost velvety in my mouth.  But the chunky multigrain was so nice too.

Ugh.  I can't choose.  I guess I'll have to get a flight again if I ever go back.

ごまや くき
東京都渋谷区神宮前4丁目26−22 原宿Hビル1F


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