South Bay: Chaat Paradise
In our typical indecisive fashion, it took us a long, long time before we finally all agreed to continue our undergrad roommate reunion in the South Bay. 3 of the girls slept over at my place in San Jose and the next morning we drove out to Mountain View to meet the Berkeley-turned-Stanford member of our group for an early lunch.

First you take a poori and gently tap a hole into it with a spoon to create a bowl. Then you fill it with whatever you want (I do a little of everything):
At least that was the plan. Our supposedly 25 minute drive turned into an hour long excursion when my friend's TomTom decided to take us on a wild goose chase. When our friend told us that Chaat Paradise specialized in Indian street food, a grassy highway entrance wasn't exactly what we envisioned. Thankfully, we eventually found our way there (albeit 30 minutes late):

The restaurant quickly filled up after we took our seats:

I'm going to come out and say straight up that I have no idea what was in each and every dish that we ordered. All I know is that it all tasted delicious.
I'm going to come out and say straight up that I have no idea what was in each and every dish that we ordered. All I know is that it all tasted delicious.
First up was the pani poori. Pani apparently means water and poori is this type of hollow fried dough balls:
First you take a poori and gently tap a hole into it with a spoon to create a bowl. Then you fill it with whatever you want (I do a little of everything):
The fillings include potatoes, veggies that I will pretend I didn't see, raw onions, this awesome crunchy stuff, and tamarind sauce. The pani part is the mint water that you pour in at the very end.
Next came the dahi bateta poori:
I can't even begin to list what's in this. There's a layer of poori on the bottom, topped by all this fabulousness...sort of like the Indian version of nachos. The tamarind sauce brought a slightly tangy burst to every bite.
The hara bhara bhel, on the other hand, was a bit spicy, but delicious all the same:

These had to be the cutest samosas I've ever seen:
These had to be the cutest samosas I've ever seen:
My favorite samosas, however, are still the ones that my friend's mom makes.
We thought we mind need something with a bit more substance, so we ordered some saag paneer:

The hara bhara paratha went perfectly with the creamy spinach and cheese of the saag paneer:
The hara bhara paratha went perfectly with the creamy spinach and cheese of the saag paneer:
The hara bhara paratha is basically pan fried wheat bread stuffed with cauliflower, potatoes, and spinach:
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