Chicago: Calumet Fisheries (Revisited)
Remember when I swore to return to Calumet because they ran out of smoked salmon? Well, I did it!
When my friend asked if I wanted to go, I jumped at the chance and went to the Calumet website to look up the coupon of the month. I think I squealed when I saw "15% off salmon" written on my computer screen.
I printed out the coupon the morning of our trip and it wasn't until we got to Calumet that I realized the coupon said "10% off shrimp" instead. Guh. Apparently, I checked the website a few days before the end of November and I printed out the coupon three days into December.
The people at Calumet were really nice about it though. They asked if I'd printed out the salmon coupon and that if I did, they would still take it. Unfortunately...I didn't print it out. Woe is me!
We got the salmon anyway, because that was essentially the reason why we went in the first place (or my reason at least):

It was simply everything that I'd dreamed of. One of the gentlemen behind the counter advised us to leave the salmon out for a bit before eating so that the fat could soften. And soften it did! Smokey, salmon-y....a little fatty. Just amazing.
My friend also asked him how he usually eats his smoked salmon and he told us about how he makes a salmon salad to spread on bread. We were too lazy to go out and buy ingredients so we just ate the salmon straight up.
I'll definitely be back again and next time, I'll remember to check what month the coupon is for.
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