Chicago: Dat Donut
One way to escape from studying for finals go get donuts! I'd heard about Dat Donut before, so when my friend asked me if I wanted to tag along, I didn't even hesitate. Never let it be said that I don't have my priorities straight:

Dat Donut is located deep in the south side. And while I'm usually all for exploring via public transportation, I probably wouldn't be busing it down to 83rd Street anytime soon. At least not by myself...or at night. Thankfully, my friend has a car (with a massive crack on her windshield), so we only looked a tiny bit out of place.
Holy moly. There are no other words for it. I was tempted to go for it, but my friend had a better plan. She marched right up to the counter and asked for a dozen donuts. Not just any dozen, but a dozen consisting of all the donuts the girl behind the counter personally felt were the best. "I'm trusting you!" my friend repeatedly reminded her.
And that's how the two of us ended up walking out with a box of 12 donuts:
To make the most of the time that we'd paid for parking (we're Asian like that), we dug right into the box once we settled ourselves into the car.
The girl who we entrusted our donut selection to told us that the favorite of everyone working behind the counter is the buttermilk donut:

Boy oh boy, I can see why. The donut was delightfully crunchy on the outside, warm and soft on the inside, and only lightly glazed on the sides. I don't typically like donuts, but I can definitely see myself scarfing down a couple of these with a glass of milk or two.
After we got back to my apartment, we picked another donut to share:

The chocolate glaze took a little damage, but that in no way detracted from the deliciousness of the donut. I really appreciated how Dat Donuts aren't grossly sweet. The cake part has a very nice texture too.
The chocolate glaze took a little damage, but that in no way detracted from the deliciousness of the donut. I really appreciated how Dat Donuts aren't grossly sweet. The cake part has a very nice texture too.
Prepare yourselves for a series of donut pics. My friend left me a few and took the rest to share with her boyfriend.
First up, strawberry glazed:
The girl at Dat Donut didn't let us down. Everything was superb...even the morning after. My favorite was definitely the buttermilk. Them peeps at Dat Donut know what they're doing.
Apparently, Dat Donut is going to start serving BBQ in the near future. Yea, I dunno. We were confused by the signs too. But that just makes Dat Donut all the more awesome, don't you think?
Dat Donut
8249 S Cottage Grove Ave
Chicago, IL 60619
(773) 723-1002
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