Taiwan: Xin Fa Ting Shaved Ice

For shaved ice, you can't beat Xin Fa Ting in the Shilin night market. This place has a 40 year history of doing it right. My mom used to come here as a kid and she would always take my sister and I here when we were children. There are a few shaved ice places in the same alley, but you'll know which one is the right one by the long line:

The inside is pretty small and always packed. More than likely, you'll be asked to share a table with another party:

The best thing about Xin Fa Ting is its flavored ices. That's not a boring chunk of ice that he's shaving there:

I always get the mango xue pian (literally mango snow sheets):

Instead of regular ice, they use frozen milk. Combined with the condensed milk, the end result is a creamy dessert that tastes more like ice cream with fresh mango chunks. Once you've tried xue pian (é›Ŗē‰‡), you'll never go back. Trust me.



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