Taiwan: Si Mu Xi

Throughout dinner we'd been talking about how amazing mango snow ice is in Taiwan. My new friend who is also interning for the summer had never had any so we knew that had to be fixed as soon as possible. As in after dinner.

Finding a shaved ice store turned out to be much more difficult than we thought. Usually there's a shaved ice (or "bing") store just about every other block. Apparently we were in the wrong neighborhood because we just couldn't find any. After walking seemingly forever, we came across some guys passing out flyers for the grand opening of Si Mu Xi. In honor of its opening, there was a sale going on...which attracted of course just about everyone else within a 5 mile radius:

The line was ridiculous but we wanted bing. Badly.

We ordered two to share among the three of us. There was the "strawberry snowflake":

That's a scoop of strawberry ice cream on top of a mountain of creamy strawberry flavored shaved ice, covered with strawberries and doused with condensed milk.

Unfortunately, they were out of the one bing that we'd been searching for. So instead of the "mango snowflake" (as it is called at this particular store), we settled for mango atop regular shaved ice:

Which was very delicious...but not as delicious as snow ice. I guess we'll just have to make another trip to introduce my friend to the real mango snow ice.

The portions at Si Mu Xi were incredible. What made it even better was that you can lift the entire thing like a giant ice cream cone and cap it with the base to take it to go. Very clever. What will people think of next?



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