Los Angeles: Polly's Pies

Growing up in SoCal, CL always asked for pie for her birthday.  And not just any pie.  A very specific pie from a very specific place.  

She tried to recreate the pie in the Bay by stacking two pies, but it just wasn't the same.  I tried her Frankenstein pie and couldn't imagine what it was supposed to be like.

When we were down in SoCal last December, we finally had a chance to go directly to the source:

Polly's Pies looked like your regular neighborhood diner.  Instead of dining in, CL marched straight to the counter and asked for a banberry pie ($18.49):

So what's a banberry pie?  Don't think too hard.  It's a banana cream pie with strawberries on top.

I didn't get what all the fuss was about.  Or I didn't until I took my first bite.  Since we were staying in a motel, we didn't bother with cutting the pie into slices.  The four of us dug straight in with our plastic forks and before we knew it, the entire pie was gone.  Finished.  Completely demolished.  

It's just...so easy to eat.  It's not the fanciest of pies, but there's something about that tangy strawberry and sweet banana mix that's so addicting.  We liked it so much that we bought another pie the next day and killed that one in one sitting too.

Banberry might be my favorite pie now too.  

What's with all these new favorites that aren't accessible to me in the Bay?!

Polly's Pies
3490 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807


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