Japan: Tsukiji Gindaco

As we were leaving Kitsuneya, we were waylaid by a group of people trying to conduct a marketing survey.  Well, when I say we, I mean me.  Only me.  CK and Jiejie managed to deftly dodge the imploring glances with noncommittal smiles, but I've always had a hard time saying no to people.  Which is how I ended up answering questions about a billboard for a bidet.

I did get a free fan out of it though.

Meanwhile, having given me up for lost, CK and Jiejie waited at the Gindaco across the street.  Gindaco is a large takoyaki chain in Japan.  Unlike me, CK did not having a traumatic experience in Osaka years ago and still loves takoyaki.

I finally crossed the street just around the time CK got her freshly made takoyaki (Ā„580 / $5.43):

Gindaco's takoyaki is known for its crispy exterior and molten interior with large chunks of octopus.  CK's takoyaki was so fresh that when she bit into it, some of the gooey inside squirted onto her arm and gave her second degree burns.

No joke.  Eating takoyaki is dangerous business.

I was much more cautious.  Partly because I've been burned by takoyaki before and partly because though I did try okonomiyaki again on this trip, I was still wary of that sauce.

Once I got over my bad memories of Osaka 2016, I have to say I greatly enjoyed Gindaco's takoyaki.  There's just something so satisfying about that crispy and creamy contrast, not to mention the chewy tako pieces.

I limited myself to one takoyaki though.  (Food traumas.  Also dangerous business.)

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