South Bay: Bo Da Restaurant

For T's birthday, CV planned an entire day starting with a room escape game at Omescape, followed by lunch, and then ending with a paint night, er, afternoon with pearl tea.  We made sure T was utterly confused as to what was going to happen. 

Correction.  I took great pleasure in making sure T was thoroughly confused.  I claimed to have other weekend plans, surprised her at the meeting place, and then convinced her we were going to take a judo class up until we walked through Omescape's front door.

Thanks entirely to CL's presence, we were able to escape the room with a few minutes to spare.  Literally.

High off our success, we headed to Ba Da Restaurant to celebrate. celebrate T's birthday, of course:

Serving Chinese/Vietnamese cuisine, Bo Da is very much a family restaurant:

The Chinese half of the menu was familiar to me, but the Vietnamese half was mysterious.  Since CV and T are regulars, we let them do all the ordering. 

The sauces came out first:

Then came what excited me a lot...fried pork intestine ($8.99):

Cleaned super well, these intestine had a less fatty interior.  Fatty intestine have a time and a place, but when you want it fried, less is more.  Makes for crispier intestine.

We got the beef filet mignon with green pepper and onion ($11.99):

So tender.  So delicious.

There was some kind of clam in crack sauce ($11.99):

And sautƩed catfish in a claypot ($9.25):

Guh.  With rice?  PERFECTION.

My favorite though?  The sour catfish soup ($10.25):

Giant pieces of succulent catfish in the tangiest broth:

I could drink that stuff all day err day.  Sip it with a spoon.  Pour it over rice.  Suck it from a straw.  No joke.  It's amazing.

I can't believe Bo Da has existed for so long and I never knew.  I really need to head south more often.  There's some awesome food down there waiting for me.

I definitely want to go back to Bo Da again.  T, let's make it happen before your next birthday! 

Happy 30th, my friend.  Keep being the giant dork you are.

Bo Da Restaurant
2868 Story Rd
San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 251-3855


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