Taiwan: Taipei Veterans General Hospital Food Court

Hospitals can be dreary places, but in Taiwan, they come with rockin' food courts.  I wish I knew that when I was hospitalized in Taiwan over a decade ago.  There I was, forcing myself to choke down rice porridge when I could have just gone downstairs and gotten myself the good stuff.

On this particular trip, I had the chance to see what I missed out on back then.

My grandmother hates going to the doctor so it took some cajoling for us to get her to agree to get an issue she'd been having checked out at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital.  After she saw the doctor, we headed straight to the Life Plaza food court on the first floor:

It seemed like everybody and their mama was there:

Even doctors and nurses were lined up (though they had a separate dining room).

I walked around the food court twice before I decided on this fried pork rice bowl (120 NT or around $4):

During one of my rounds around the food court, I noticed this taiyaki stall:

I dragged my sister over after I finished my bowl so that we could get one:

The filling options included red bean, taro, and custard.  We went with custard.

There was a special 65 NT deal (slightly over $2) for a taiyaki and a ginger hot milk:

Forget the taiyaki.  That ginger milk!  So ginger-y!  If the hospital wasn't so out of the way from where my grandparents live, I would have been back at the food court every other day just for that milk alone.

Of course, we should all avoid going to the hospital if we can.  But if we can't, at least in Taiwan you can guarantee a good meal at the food court.

We should seriously consider having the same at our hospitals in the U.S.  I would be all for that.



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