Taiwan: Din Tai Fung (Revisited)

Since it's such a tourist spot, I took CK and AG to Din Tai Fung for lunch.  All my relatives kept warning that we had to get there early to avoid the wait.  They made such a big deal about it that we made sure to arrive at 10:30am...only to find absolutely no one:

Nice and empty:

We started off with a chilled bamboo appetizer:

Taiwanese bamboo is awesome, especially dipped in sweet mayo.  The price at Din Tai Fung however, was slightly less than pleasing.  220 NT (a bit over $7) for that tiny dish.

We also got the green beans:

CK and AG liked it, but I wasn't so impressed.

Of course we ordered xiao long bao:

Two kinds, in fact.  The shrimp and luffa:

And the pork with crab roe:

CK wanted to try the potstickers:

While AG wanted to try the dry noodles with pickled mustard greens:

The three of us left Din Tai Fung feeling disappointed and ripped off.  The food honestly wasn't that good (bamboo notwithstanding).  I don't know if it was just an off day, but the dumpling skins were sort of dry and tough.  Maybe it was just this branch.  I don't remember my previous experience being that bad.

Cheaper soup dumpling options in Taiwan abound and many taste just as good, if not better, than Din Tai Fung. 

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